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[Blog Tour] 'Christmas at Hembry Castle' (Hembry Castle Chronicles) ByAn unlikely earl struggles with his new place. A young couple s love is tested. What is a meddling ghost to do?
Chronicles Newsletter | Insights of Social ImpactJoin over 100's of us for your fortnightly inspiration, insights, and opportunities in social impact space. Entertainment Related(Protagonist, Jim Lloyd, has just arrived on the island of Penang to begin work for his new employer, Captain Francis Light, the island s superintendent.) History Related(Protagonist, Jim Lloyd, has just arrived on the island of Penang to begin work for his new employer, Captain Francis Light, the island s superintendent.) Miscellaneous(Protagonist, Jim Lloyd, has just arrived on the island of Penang to begin work for his new employer, Captain Francis Light, the island s superintendent.), Jim Lloyd, has just arrived on the island of Penang to begin work for his new employer, Captain Francis Light, the island s superintendent.) Book Excerpts(Protagonist, Jim Lloyd, has just arrived on the island of Penang to begin work for his new employer, Captain Francis Light, the island s superintendent.) Books Related(Protagonist, Jim Lloyd, has just arrived on the island of Penang to begin work for his new employer, Captain Francis Light, the island s superintendent.)
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The Band of the Hawk - Solo AlbumsThe Band of the Hawk music. A Different Cloth, Hunters Glen Stories, Memorabilia, Princely Robes, Slapboxin, Family Ties, The Laws, The Mothership Chronicles, Thru the Looking Glass, Truth, Lies Mischief (+ Adrift Ep)
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